Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Class of 2003 Reunion...Well Sort Of

The Class of 2003 tried to have a five year reunion...and we didn't have a lot of takers, but those of us that did show up had a blast!
Thanks to Rachel and Scott who opened up their house!! Just to explain - We were their class sponsors when they were at B.A. Cause I think we all know that neither of us graduated in 2003!!!
Playing the Indiana Game - Corn Hole!! Every family in America needs this game.
You also need this game...and I don't even know what it's called...but it's fun :)
Hopefully we can get more people to participate in our next reunion. Granted this was put together in about two weeks, so what do you expect. Did I mention that there were only about 20 students in the entire graduating class???
Here is Rachel and Scott's new bundle of joy, Brayden. We wont even tell you how dificult it was to get this picture. Not because the baby wouldn't cooperate, as you can see he was as happy as could be...No...Rachel couldn't figure the camera out and was taking videos!!!