Saturday, September 15, 2007

I Love a Parade!

Today we walked in a parade!! My very good friend Jill Wright's husband is the Mayor of Beech Grove, it's a small suburb of Indy. So we showed up, got our orange t-shirts and grabbed a few bunches of balloons and headed up the street. Their headquarters are on 5th and Main. We were assigned to the block of 17th street to pass out our balloons...well first of all...that's 12 blocks!!! Do you think you can walk 12 blocks with HUGE bouquets of balloons and not hand them out to precious little kids who ask you for a balloon??? I think not! So needless to say our supplies were not as abundant when we arrive 12 blocks later :) But no one went without an orange balloon :) So then, we walked with Mayor McCheese 12 more blocks back through the parade route. I thought my feet were going to fall apart...something's wrong with them, but do I go to the Dr. to see what the problem is (who happens to be in Beech Grove) prefer to just complain :) Anyways, we had a great time and we threw out candy and little frisbees. Which we happened to run out of in our first few blocks, so if we missed anyone at the end our our trek up to the beginning of the parade route with our balloons...we more than made up for it with all the candy we threw out :) Now I need to go soak my tootsies.
Why does Zeke look like he should be in ballet class?!
Can we not just take a normal picture?! :)
He's having fun now!! :)

The Orange Amy!!

Me and the First Lady ;)

The boys with Mayor McCheese. (I've called him that before he was ever Mayor...I don't think he'd let anyone else call him that) :)


Heather said...

That's Boise State Orange! Go Bronco's!

Jennifer said...

I want a balloon!!!
Looks like lots of fun!!!