Friday, June 15, 2007

Steph's Side

Here are some pictures from our visit to Seattle last Mother's Day 2006.
We are getting ready to go again in two weeks. We are so excited!!!

This is my Mom, Winona, Ellen and me :)
This is my oldest brother Michael and his family.
My Sister Winona and her family.
My sister Ellen and her family.
My bother Donald and his family.
And us
(this is the year of the mullet...ugh!!!
What an awful memory!)
These are all the grandkids on my side.
Here is Bobby feeding a seagul on the pier after we ate at IVAR'S!!!
And here is Uncle Donald teaching Price a wonderful game...NOT!
The dog was as tired of that game as the rest of us were!! :)
Here are my mom & dad,
does it look like she's trying to get away from him?!