OK - funny story - when I was getting ready to put this up, I had to climb up on this tall ladder (shocking that I wasn't tall enough to reach it myself, I know) so I had the boys hold the bottom of the ladder...so after a bit Price says "who's coming over", I was like "what?!" and he kept asking, then I realized that he read it and thought I was putting it up for someone in particular that was coming over...so I had to 'splain that one to him :) It was precious. Then they got tired of holding the ladder cause their show was on and kept asking "are you almost done?!" so I told them to just go and if I fall...go get the neighbors!!!
Just another angle because I kept getting a glare...odd how the wall color looks totally different.
Anywho...this is it...for now. I should have lowered that "Always"...too late now!
OK - here is the lastest one I put up.Now I just need to finish putting up all the family pictures! So if you want to be on the wall...send in those pictures!!