Michael did not get the "rhythm" gene. Here he is doing his asthma inhaler dance!Here's my Dad eating some of his birthday cake :)
OK, I hope you laugh at this picture as hard as we do. I mean we about can't breathe everytime we see this picture. Donald was taking this for us and so he's looking at the screen, then all of the sudden he looks up at us over the camera, and I knew exactly what he was doing...the other sisters didn't...sad that the youngest sibling is the smartest :)
Mom & Dad dancing up a storm.
This is my second cousin Janet K and her hubby Mac. She used to teach me dance lessons when I was little.
Here we are attempting to take a family picture. First of all...that's Ellen in the middle, and she's standing straight up...still can barely see her. Donald looks like he's about to grab that candle, and we don't even want to know what he's going to do with it. Focus People!!!!
This is more like it!